Sunday, November 16, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!

Lacy got to be in the school parade at Highland Park with Grandma, she was the star of the parade with all the flowers.
Lacy the cutest lady Bug ever!!

Andy was a Jack Sparrow. He didn't love wearing his hat, he was a little embarrassed.

Kylee was her favorite rockstar Hannah Montana of course!
We had a fun Halloween. We had Brig's Mom come into town and spend Halloween with the kids. They had a blast with Grandma

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Labor day in Carlsbad,CA

Over Labor Day we went to Carlsbad, CA and camped on the beach. Well we rented a camping trailer and camped that way. We had a blast!!!!. We went with some families in our ward. We played on the beach all day. We couln't get enough of it. The kids decided they want to live in California and me too, of course. Brig went surfing and me can pretty much shred it, as you can tell from the pictures.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Our newest family member

LACY ANNE CHRISTENSEN.. She was born March 28th. Kylee and Andy can hardly get enough of her. This little girl gets more then her share of attention from everyone in this family.

Our Family

We finally have a blog, here is the lastest family picture. This is at Lacy's blessing